The List #1, Latest Photobook Recommendations

The List #1

I am often asked for recommendations from recent photobook releases.  Every few months, ‘The List’ will feature my personal selections from the Photobookstore shelves. For this first round-up I have taken the liberty of including a few books that were released in December 2016.

London Ends by Philipp Ebeling

Leaving behind the landmarks of the centre, London Ends takes the viewer on a journey to the places where the city ends. Peculiarly uplifting, rewarding and abundant with a unique beauty.

While Leaves Are Falling by Takahiro Kaneyama

Photobooks about lost loved ones and mental illness are increasingly common, but this elegant book from Japan handles both with a rare eloquence.

Bright Hours by Karl Henrik Edlund

The influence of Swedish great JH Engstrom may be evident, but this debut book has a haunting soul all of it’s own as it effortlessly combines a series of evocative portraits, landscapes and domestic still lifes.

36 Views by Fyodor Telkov

Inspired by the renowned series of prints 36 views of Mount Fuji by Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai, photographer Fyodor Telkov captured thirty-six images of the small mining town of Degtyarsk, in the Russian region of Sverdlovsk where at each end sits two huge waste heaps. A subtle yet powerful series of photos with a perfect presentation from publisher Ediciones Anómalas.

Harrodsburg by Dougie Wallace

Confrontational and up-close – Dougie Wallace’s brand of street photography has gained a certain notoriety.  Here though he finds his best subject yet, in this darkly humorous look at London’s ultra-rich.

Bomba by Thomas Prior

Through a swirling vortex of explosives, smoke, and deadly flying shrapnel, Thomas Prior captures the chaotic beauty of a testosterone-fueled commemoration of a four-century-old battle in the small Mexican town of San Juan de la Vega. A simple but highly effective design brings Prior’s memorable images to the fore.

Unknown #2 by Stéphane Duroy

Stéphane Duroy’s constant reworking of his book projects is brought to life in this suitably beautiful object. A kaleidoscopic insight into Duroy’s endlessly shifting practice.

Martin Amis founded Photobookstore in 2006, and is rarely more than 10 feet from a pile of photobooks.


Images:  London Ends by Philipp Ebeling,  Bright Hours by Karl Henrik Edlund.