Photobooks of 2015: Harvey Benge

Photographer and photobook maker Harvey Benge has shared his favourite books of the past year as follows:

1. Ron Jude – Lago
– quiet authenticity shines in this book which is full of unexpected surprises


2. Goran Bertok – Requiem, a direct and uncompromising meditation on the subject of death


3. JH Engstrom – Random, crazy juxtapositons in Engstom’s signature style, mirrors life itself


4. Daido Moriyama – Dazai – a beautiful object full of stunning, superbly printed Daido works


5. Viviane Sassen – Umbra – light and shadow collide in Sassen’s crazy universe

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6. Carlos Spottorno – Wealth Management – a timely take on the influence of global finance


A selection of books from the Photobooks of 2015 feature can be purchased here.

Harvey Benge makes strange photographs in cities and photobooks that are not about gypsies or coalminers.