Photobook recommendations 2014 part II, by Martin Amis

A continuation of this post, with my personal pick of the photobooks released from April to August of this year, a period overflowing with fine books.

1. Laia Abril – The Epilogue
An unbearably moving account, perfectly realised. Without doubt one of the best books of the year.

2. Vasantha Yoganthan – Piémanson
A self-published triumph as Vasantha documents the last wild beach in France.

3. David Hornillos – Mediodía
The orange world of Madrid’s Atocha railway station explored in this gem of a photobook.


4. Martina Hoogland Ivanow – Speedway
Officially a 2013 release, but only just materialized here, Speedway brilliantly invites you into it’s dark looping world.

5. Zhang Xiao – Coastline
Surreal images of China’s changing coastlines in one of several fine books to emerge from China this year.

6. Andreas Trogisch – Replies
Thirteen small conversations in the mysterious black and white world of Andreas Trogisch.

7. Kazuo Kitai – One Road
Kitai revisits coastal villages following the March 2011 earthquake. A beautifully printed publication and one of his best books in many years.

8. Max Pinckers – Will They Sing Like Raindrops Or Leave Me Thirsty
Skilled photobook maker Max Pinckers explores the world of honour-based violence in India to great effect.


9. Momo Okabe – Bible
A totally unique set of images with an equally unique colour palette in this poignant account.


10. Andy Sewell – Something Like A Nest
Andy Sewell’s follow-up to the Heath does not disappoint, as he explores the modern English countryside.


11. Thomas Mailaender – The Night Climbers of Cambridge
A 1937 book transformed into an outstanding contemporary photobook.


12. Saul Leiter – Early Black and White
A real treat that proves that Leiter was not just a master of colour.  Already scarce, so a reprint looks likely.


Other notable releases in the past few months include Berris Conolly’s Hackney Photographs, Zhang Kechun’s The Yellow River, Nicoló Degiorgis Hidden Islam and Oasis Hotel, Peter van Agtmael’s Disco Night Sept 11 and the well executed Steidl reprint of Jim Goldberg’s Rich and Poor.

Martin Amis founded PhotoBookStore in 2006 and is usually found surrounded by numerous piles of photobooks and rolls of bubblewrap.