Favourite Photobooks of 2013, by Martin Amis

Over the course of the year, a great deal of books pass through my hands.  2013 has without doubt felt like a great year for photobooks, with a wonderful standard being set across the board, from big publishers to small self-published projects.  Here follows my favourite photobooks of the year in alphabetical order, based entirely on my own tastes in both photobook and photography, and certainly not intended to be a definitive list.

Almost by Guy Archard
An exquisite piece perfectly presented on Japanese paper, Almost is an abstract atmospheric journey.

Almost There by Aleix Plademunt
Another great year for Mack Books.  This challenging book was a real grower.

LDN2 by Anthony Cairns
London like you have never seen it before in Anthony Cairn’s mysterious haunting futuristic (?) images.

Rasen Kaigan by Lieko Shiga
Extraordinary phantasmagoric imagery quite like no other.

Shanxi by Zhang Xiao
Another great production by Little Big Man perfectly present this memorable set of images.

She dances on Jackson by Vanessa Winship
A lyrical haunting portrait of the United States.  My photobook of 2013 that rewards with every viewing.

The Christmas Tree Bucket by Trent Parke
Great storytelling, photography and bookmaking combine to produce a great photobook.

Tractor Boys by Martin Bogren
A strong line-up of Dewi Lewis photobook appeared over the course of the year, but this unassuming grainy account was my favourite.

Twin Boat by Koji Onaka
Onaka’s understated imagery maybe not as immediate as some, but given time this book gives back plenty.

Two Rivers by Carolyn Drake
A great design and photographic journey in my favourite self-published photobook of the year.

Other books that were vying for inclusion in the top 10 list, were  Dalston Anatomy by Lorenzo Vitturi, Carlos Spottorno’s The Pigs, Dark Knees by Mark Cohen, Xavier Barral’s fine Sergio Larrain retrospective, Mike Brodie’s A Period of Juvenile Prosperity and Strangely Familiar by Peter Mitchell.

Martin Amis, founded PhotoBookStore in 2006, and is usually found surrounded by numerous piles of photobooks.

1 Comment

  • Giuseppe says:

    Hi Mr Amis, great list, obviously…
    I m Giuseppe, i m waiting tge 3 books very excited, especially for that Shanxi.
    It s strange i don t see in lists, Santoro Saluti da Pinetamare or the extraordinary Momo Okabe Dildo, don t you think?
    Best wishes!

    ps. It s great to see for the first time, Archard Almost, other great book

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