Photobooks of 2016: Yumi Goto

Photobooks of 2016: Yumi Goto


Storytellers strive to devise a new interpretation of facts using unique perspectives and visual expressions based on their careful research. Their books give us an interpretatin and understanding of what is important. The visual expression I am most interested in these days is this idea. This list represents book which achieve this to great effect


Black is the Day, Black is the  Night by Amy Elkins


Out of the Blue by Virginie Rebetez


Sugar Paper Theories by Jack Latham


Negative Publicity: Artefacts of Extraordinary Rendition by Edmund Clark and Crofton Black


Letzte Generation Ost by Kristin Trüb


Operation Olympiad by Alessandro Perini


Disparitions by Helen Zout


Withheld Due To: by Christof Nussli


Anaesthesia by Valentina Abenavoli


Wolfgang by David Fathi


Yumi Goto is an independent photography curator, editor, researcher and consultant who focuses on the development of cultural exchanges that transcend borders. She is a founder of the REMINDERS PROJECT.


Images – top: Out of the Blue by Virginie Rebetez, below: Negative Publicity: Artefacts of Extraordinary Rendition by Edmund Clark and Crofton Black


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